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Sunday, January 10, 2021

 I am very interested in how the incoming administration will tackle the Navy's various woes. Of some of the candidates mentioned I think I'm in  favor of Elaine Goodman Luria. 

Her experience as as a nuke SWO would be extremely valuable as it is our surface force that has declined the most with essentially over a decade of lost capability as we dithered with transformational methodologies vice building stuff that works. 

As I mentioned in an earlier post the Russians have been building smaller cheaper and capable surface units in quantity. Ditto for the Chinese.

It is also an indictment on our senior navy leadership past (mostly) that we have abdicated the ability to design and build functional ships. That our new constellation class is essentially designed by an Italian and French military syndicate vice here in the United States says a lot. 

FREMM multipurpose frigate - Wikipedia

FREMM European multipurpose frigate (

Now I am all for not re-inventing wheels it says a lot that we can't seem to design and build from the keel up a homegrown warship that actually has capability.

Yes I know we are going to throw our systems onboard vice what the the French and Italians have onboard. So in many ways we are just going to by the hull and fit our systems.

Might also not be a bad idea to borrow the Otomat Mk2 (supersonic ish) 100 nm Anti Ship Cruise Missile while we are at it. Unless we have some demonstrated, tested and integrated missile of our own that is ready for prime time, 

So bringing it back to the subject of the post, we are desperately in need of someone whom can call BS on Admirals and industry whom seem to be like cats chancing a laser pointer dot when evaluating Surface ships for purchase. 

And someone whom will mandate a back to the basics mentality that recognizes you can can't do it better, cheaper and faster. You have to pick one, and maybe two. 

In addition, it would be useful to have someone to call a spade a spade, and advise President Biden to restrain the COCOMS for unrealistic force requirements that simply put can not be met with the number of ships we have in inventory

Will be interesting to see who ends up in the chair.  

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