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Monday, February 15, 2021

A scenario that upends conventional wisdom


Could this happen....This piece was put together back in 2012. The technology has only improved since then. While this is an alternative analysis of possibilities in the PACOM area. this article brought my memories back

But before that some recent articles....

 China’s underwater drones seized in Indonesia expose tech, routes and potential submarine plans | South China Morning Post (

and this

China Enters the UUV Fray – The Diplomat

"HSU001 is a Large Displacement UUV (LDUUV), roughly analogous to the U.S. Navy’s own LDUUV, “Snakehead,” which is designed for missions such as intelligence preparation of the environment (IPOE) and anti-submarine warfare (ASW). At approximately 7 meters long, it is less than half the size of “Orca,” the U.S. Navy’s Extra Large UUV (XLUUV) which will be pier launched and is designed for complex, long-distance missions, including the delivery of specialized payloads such as mines, seabed sensors, and small UUVs. While HSU001 lacks the capacity for such large-scale payload integration, it may be capable of deploying micro UUVs or other sensors, or carrying payloads via external hardpoints. While it lacks adequate energy stores to transit thousands of nautical miles like Orca, it will likely be capable of long-endurance missions lasting several weeks to several months"

The Great Underwater Wall Of Robots: Chinese Exhibit Shows Off Sea Drones | Popular Science (

And the below is the fictionalized story that preceded a research paper on AUV/UUV's.

written about a decade ago...and yes It could happen

The Stennis Carrier Strike Group (CSG) had been tasked to deploy to the South China Sea in order to demonstrate the U.S resolve regarding Taiwan. The new leadership in Taiwan had recently begun the political maneuverings necessary to put a vote of independence towards the Taiwanese electorate. The result was that the People Republic of China had issued veiled threats. 

This had resulted in the Stennis CSG deployment. By December 2022 such deployments had 50 years of history and had become routine. 

As the CSG approached the South China Sea it was steaming at condition III. In this state roughly thirty percent of the crew would be on watch. From this condition it would be possible to rapidly transition to either condition II, a variant of General Quarters or to General Quarters itself.

During the extensive work ups to prepare for deployment the officers and crews of the Stennis CSG had focused primarily on the Air Warfare. In particular, the CSG trained extensively to the Air threat posed from the Shi Lang 1 (formerly the Russian Varyag). 

However, the CSG also trained extensively against the threat posed by China's long range Anti-Ship missiles.

The first threat, the Shi Lang had recently left homeport and commenced flight operations in the South China Sea. For the later threat, PACOM commanders had been wringing their hands since these missiles had first reached initial operational capability in late 2012 . There would be three more  carriers either operational or in the water by 2021. While the CSG commander was prepared for both - he had a nagging worry. The training and workups had been so Air Warfare centric threats that Undersea Warfare training had suffered

Several hours before sunrise an order was transmitted via a recently launched Chinese commercial satellite that ostensibly beamed Chinese language programming to Chinese viewers on mainland China. The signal reached a communications buoy that surfaced every three hours

From there, the order was relayed to the vast undersea network before ultimately reaching a swarm of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 

These vehicles had been deployed by the air  a week ago using a means similar to the Snowflake Air Deployment Systems developed at the United States Naval Post Graduate School in the late 2000’s. 

Since that time they had been positioning themselves in the path of the CSG by relying on cueing from the distributed remote sensing, mobile underwater networks and more conventional sensing networks employed by China. Much in the same way German U boat packs were able to position themselves in the way of Allied convoys based on intelligence and Airborne sightings in WW II

The swarm began to close on the CSG undetected by the CSG's equipment. They were just too quiet.

Just before sunrise, the AEGIS class Guided Missile Destroyer USS Preble suffered catastrophic damage at frame amidships. Ten minutes later, despite the best damage control efforts, she rolled over and sunk. 

Nearly simultaneously her sisters USS Decatur and USS Howard were similarly damaged. 

The two remaining destroyers and their much vaunted AEGIS weapons systems were off line or effectively destroyed. 

The result was catastrophic for the CSG. The Aircraft Carrier Stennis, was now essentially defenseless from a coordinated air attack with her AEGIS escorts offline and fighting to stay afloat

The scene above was witnessed, fathoms underwater, by one of the many tethered listening devices. It evaluated the reduced signature to noise ratio and the sound of the USS Preble breaking up. Its primitive logic commanded it to surface and transmit a brief message to PRC Naval HQ. 

This message confirmed to PRC leadership that USS Stennis was now deprived of its Air Defense Umbrella. 

With the escorts intact the probability of hit - and kill – by Anti Ship Cruise Missiles had been evaluated as marginal. 

With the escorts removed from the equation the Carrier that equation was drastically changed and the CSG was far more vulnerable to attack from surface and land launched Anti-Ship Missiles.

Approximately thirty minutes later the first land based Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles homed in on the USS Stennis. 

The distributed underwater surveillance system, and associated systems provided Over the Horizon Targeting. 

This attack resulted in the USS Stennis suffering what would be termed catastrophic mission kill. 

Her flight deck was holed; aircraft on fire and vital communications systems were off line. While the carrier would stay afloat the damages would take months in a dedicated repair yard.

However, she would not get that chance. As she steamed slowly east she and her remaining escorts, were struck by a group of Houbei Fast Attack Craft (FAC) 4 . 

Each of these craft fired an initial shoot shoot look salvo of 4 YJ-83 Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles from standoff range at the now defenseless carrier. 

Minutes later the same ships fired their remaining 4 missiles and quickly turned changed course at high speed to return to their homeport

This day in December 2022 would be the worst loss the U.S. Navy had experienced in decades. Deprived of the protection of the U.S CSG Taiwan was unable to repel combined Air and Sea attack by the PRC two days later.  And the US was unable to surge assets to support

The PRC quickly gained full control of that country and the promise of U.S. protection was severely tarnished the world over. 

More importantly, China had always been viewed as a land power however China had now demonstrated the capacity to deny the much vaunted U.S Military access to most of the PACOM area of operations and established herself as the de-facto maritime power in the South China Sea.

from MBARI 


The Great Underwater Wall Of Robots: Chinese Exhibit Shows Off Sea Drones | Popular Science (

Below is the research that backed the paper up...wont bore you with the actual paper as it would probably need a bunch of updating given the advances in battery and communications tech in the last decade Shi Lang Gets Flight Deck Traffic. March 8th 2012

 Aviation Week. China Details Anti-Ship Missile Plans. Published July 19 2011. Accessed 21 March 2011. 7_18_2011_p24-347899.xm

Tyree, Michael G. Initial design and Concept of operations for a clandestine data relay UUV to circumvent jungle canopy effects on satellite communications. Thesis . Naval Post Graduate School. September 2011. Pg 23 1 Type 022 (Houbei Class) Fast Attack Missile Craft. Last updated March 2009. Retrieved 04 April 2012

Hickly, Mathew. The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced. Mail Online. Published Nov 2007. Accessed 04 April 2012

Eshel, David . Hanit Suffers Iranian Missile Attack. Defense Update. July 2006. Retrieved 09 April 2012.

Lynam, Joe. 'North Korean torpedo' sank South's navy ship – report. BBC News Online. 20 May 2010. Retrieved 09 April 2012

 Associated Press. Pakistani officials: Drone strike kills 12. Published March 9th, 2012. Retrieved from 11 March 2012

Al-Rodaini, Fatik. US drone strikes kill 25 militants in Yemen. Biykamasar. Published 10 March 2012. Retrieved from. March 2012

Shoalwater, Stephanie. Commentary: The Legal Status of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Marine Technology Society Journal. Spring 2004. PG 80.

 Yan, Hai; Wan, Lei; Zhou Shengli; Shi, Zhijie; Cui, Jun-Hong, Huang, Jie and Zhou, Hao. DSP based receiver implementation for OFDM acoustic modems. Physical Communication. 09 September 2011. Available at

Cui, Rongzin; Ge Sam Shuzhi; How, Bernard Voon; Choo, Yoo Sang. Leader-Follower formation control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles. Ocean Engineering. 21 July 2010. Available at at

Li, Deyang; Li, Zheng; Ma, Wenkai; Chen, Hong; and Chen, Wenping. Constrained surface -level placement for underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks. Theoretical Computer Science. 10 September 2009. Available at at

Li, Changlong; Xicheng, Feng; Li, Yiping and Liu, Kaizhou. Toward and Generalized Architecture for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 2011 IEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Shanghai International Conference Center. Shanghai, China. May 9- 13, 2011. Shanghai China

Tang, Minqiang; Zhang, Zhiqiang and Xing, Yuqing. Analysis of New Developments and Key Technologies of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Marine Survey. Procedia Environmental Sciences. October 2011. Available at

Yan, Hai; Wan, Lei; Zhou Shengli; Shi, Zhijie; Cui, Jun-Hong, Huang, Jie and Zhou, Hao. DSP based receiver implementation for OFDM acoustic modems. Physical Communication. 09 September 2011. Available at

Che, Xianhui; Wells, Ian, Dickers, Gorden and Kear, Paul. TDMA frame design for a prototype underwater RF communication network. Ad Hoc Networks. 02 July 2011. available at :

Nicholson, J.W. CAPT USN and Healy, A.J. The Present State of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Applications and Technologies. Marine Technology Society Journal. Spring 2009. PG 44. Powerpoint Titled. Components of UPS. retrieved 04 April 2012

Akyildiz, Ian ; Pompili, Dario and Melodia, Tommaso. Challenges for Efficient Communication in Underwater Accoustic Sensor Networks. Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Page 4

Che, Xianhui; Wells, Ian and Kear, Paul. TDMA frame design for a prototype underwater RF communication network. AD HOC Networks. July 2011. Available at, Page 3

Guerra, Federico ; Casari Paolo; Berni, Alessandro and Potter, John. Performance Evaluation of Random and Handshake based Channel Access in Collaborative Underwater Networks. NATO Undersea Research Center and University of Padova. Italy

Sarisaray-Boluk, P ; Gungor, VC; Baydere S. and Harmanci, AE. Quality aware image transmission over Underwater Multimedia Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc Networks. 2011.

Li, Deying; Li, Zheng; Ma, Wenkai; Chen, Hong and Chen, Wenping. Constrained surface-level gateway placement for underwater acoustic wireless networks. Theoretical Computer Science . 2011.

 Yan, Hai; Wan, Lei; Zhou, Shengli; Shi, Zhijie; Cui, Jun-Hong; Huang, Jie and Zhou, Hao. DSP (Digital Signal Processing) based receiver implementation for ODFM (orthongal frequency division multiplexing) acoustic modems. Physical Communication. 2011.

Marani, Giacomo; Choi, Song K and Yuh, Junku. Underwater Autonomous manipulation for intervention missions AUV. Ocean Engineering. 17 August 2008. Available at

Park, Jin-Yeong; Jun, Bong-huan; Lee, Pan-mook and Oh, Junho. Experiments on vision guided docking of an autonomous underwater vehicle using one camera. Ocean Engineering. 29 October 2009. Available at PG 4

Yakimenko, Oleg A; Horner, Douglas P. and Pratt, Douglas. AUV Rendevous Trajectories for Underwater Recovery. Congress Center. Ajaccio France. 2005. Pg 1194

Wilmath, Kim. USF underwater robot takes to Twitter. Tampa Bay Times. March 29 2012

Carvalhosa, Sergio Alexandre Carraca. Cooperative Motion Control of Multiple Autonomous Robotic Vehicles. Collision Avoidance in Dynamic Environments. Thesis for Masters in Electrical Engineering. University of Lisbon. Instituto Superior Techico. October 2009. Pg 3 and 44.

Brown, Hunter; Jenkins, Liza; Meadows, Guy and Schuchman, Robert. Bathyboat: An Autonomous Surface Vessel for Stand Alone Survey and Underwater Vehicle Network Supervision. Marine Technology Society Journal. July 2010 1 Freeman, D.K. Remote Delivery of Unmanned Systems Technologies. Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City

Loberg, Jon-Erik. Planar Docking Algorithms for Underactuated Marine Vehicles. Masters Thesis. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. June 2010.

Brown, Hunter; Jenkins, Liza; Meadows, Guy and Schuchman, Robert. Bathyboat: An Autonomous Surface Vessel for Stand Alone Survey and Underwater Vehicle Network Supervision. Marine Technology Society Journal. July 2010

Chapple, Philip. Unsupervised Detection of Mine Like Objects in Seabed Imagery from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Defense Science and Technology Organization. Sydney, Austrialia. P 1

 Frenzel, James; Fazzari, Kyle and Edwards, Dean. Sharing Clearance Data between Multiple Autonomous Platforms. Center For Intelligent Systems Research . University of Idaho

Chitre, Mandar. Teamwork among AUV’s. AUV Sensors and Systems Workshop. November 2010.

Kemp, Mathieu; Bertozzi, Andrea and Merthaler, Daniel. Multi-UUV Perimeter Surveillance. Army Research Office. July 2004

Akkaya, Kemal and Newell, Andrew. Self Deployment of Sensors for Maximized coverage in underwater acoustic sensor networks. University of Southern Illinois Carbondale. April 2009. Available at www.elsevier/com/locate/comcom

Incze, Michael. Optimized Deployment of autonomous underwater vehicles for charachterization of coastal waters. Journal of Marine Systems. 28 Feb 2009. Available at Pg S416

Hasvold, Oistein; Lian, Torleif; Haakaas, Erik; Storkersen, Nils; Perelman, Olivier and Cordier, Stephane. CLIPPER: A long range, Autonomous underwater vehicle using magnesium fuel and oxygen from the sea. Journal of Power Surces. 2004. Available at

 Hasvold, Oistein; Lian, Torleif; Storkersen, Nils and Forseth, Sissel. Power Sources for aoutnomous underwater vehicles. Journal of Power Sources. 2006. Available at

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