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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We are really doing this? Saving short term money at high cost. Another fail by someone who, wants to achieve efficiencies and got a EP an a promotion


Navy Will Cut 500 Civilian East Coast Jobs in ‘Drastic Action’ to Cut $66M - USNI News

Talk about boilerplate. I think I have seen variations of the following over the last 25 years

“ XXX staff completed a comprehensive review of our products and services to develop a plan to manage and execute shore services with our $XXM (XX percent reduction) budgetary shortfall to our facilities programs with the goal of minimizing negative impacts to the Fleet, Fighters, and Families we support

 And it is never good and it is never well though out.  But it looks like they took a cut of about 66 million out of about 400 plus million. 

I'm sure the powerpoint looked good and someone gets an EP and maybe a star out of it. 

For Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic The actual X numbers are 66 million (16 Percent) reduction 

But lets unpack this First off, what is - or what comprises CNRMA 

Did a bit of googling as I had always thought it was a region where you knew which uniform to wear. But as often I misremembered

Welcome to Navy Region Mid-Atlantic

Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA) is the regional coordinator for all shore-based naval personnel and shore activities in the Mid-Atlantic region, which encompasses 20 states, 14 installations, and 50 Naval Operational Support Centers (NOSCs).

As the naval shore installation management headquarters for the Mid-Atlantic region, CNRMA provides coordination of base operating support functions for operating forces throughout the region in support of the Fleet, Fighter and Family.

  • Fleet represents the operating forces of the Navy. CNRMA ensures all installation requirements necessary to train and operate the Fleet (Ports, Airfields, Training Ranges, etc.) are maintained and ready.
  • Fighter represents the men and women in the operating forces. CNRMA ensures each installation's ability to facilitate the manning, training and equipping of the Navy's fighting force.
  • Family represents the men and women of the armed forces and their families. To ensure our fighting forces are supported on all fronts, CNRMA Family and Community Services, Housing and Safety provide the quality of life, support and services that allow the fighting forces to focus on mission accomplishment.

But then I read the article some more and the stupidity of this command and how we are now organized hit me

"The reductions also include limiting ship departures to reduce overtime for necessary dockworkers and harbor pilots needed to get ships underway and back to the pier"

So our Fleet commanders now have to alter schedules to save Ok. 

"Commands needing ships to leave outside the port hours need to reimburse CMRA and NAVFAC for the extra cost. While not a new policy, it has not been enforced, officials told USNI News"

 um What? So now one navy unit is going to have to cut another navy unit a check. You know this is going to happen a lot. Think Hurricane season. Or CASREP's or training events. Oh and this is going to be a lot of new paperwork and well we might need additional HQ personnel to do this .  My guess is requiring this is going to costs about as much as it saves. And this hinders operational flexibility. All the bas guys need to know is our working hours 

then is got worse. 

"reduction in morale, welfare and recreation facilities, cutting back on janitorial services and groundskeeping spending and canceling cable television for ships and submarines that are pier side."

 So you are going to take MWR and cable away from sailors that go to sea. On top of that Seaman Timmy's wife used to work at MWR because her teaching degree did not transfer to Norfolk...oh and does this include childcare.

And then there was the typical excuse. That the services that most sailors and operational commanders view as important arn't because well Great Power Competition 

"“With limited budgets, a necessary focus on warfighting and Great Power Competition is required and past business and funding practices are no longer affordable and sustainable; drastic action is required."

Here is an Idea, what would be the cost of disbanding Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic its staff and having those things report to an operational commander. 

"20 states, 14 installations, and 50 Naval Operational Support Centers (NOSCs)"

So the installations ..I think those should be under the respective fleet. Probably in the case of Navy bases that have things that are operational - they should be under 2nd fleet in this case. Training commands have them fall under Naval Education and Training Command. 

Navy Operational Support Centers (Disclaimer I', biased bit to the reserves) these should be under the full control of the Navy Reserves. In fact we should in my opinion not have Active Duty manning these facilities as they really don't understand the reserves. Since when dos a DC1/BM2 or QM3 have any idea of how the reserves work. 

Taken in general this is a real management failure, which is compounded by a leadership failure to greenlight this plan. 

Reminds me of the fleet response plan, getting rid of SWOS, getting rid of SIMA and and deferring maintenance for short sighted decisions.

I am guessing you could achieve 66 million in saving by getting rid of Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic its staff as well as all the regions and making sure they fit under operational control of the fleets. 

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