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Thursday, September 23, 2021

More Bad News on the Ew front

 Russia’s Military Boosts Electromagnetic Spectrum Capability - Jamestown

bad news for information and network dominance if true.

"An important feature of the new Divnomorye-U is its integration into automated C2, significantly increasing its speed and operational utility. By building this automated element into the design of the system, the EW complex detects and then analyzes the target signal and type, alongside its power and direction of radiation. The high-technology automated system undoubtedly harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) in its processes, then it develops a suppression plan and selects the most effective jamming methods. The Divnomorye-U is designed to emit high-powered radiation that neutralizes enemy radar, regardless of type. It is reportedly capable of jamming both ground-based radars and radars of aircraft such as E-8 JSTAR, E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye, as well as radar equipment aboard helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Even satellite radar stations would lose sight in the Divnomorye-U coverage area, the Voyenno Promyshlennyy Kuryer article claims. The new complex can transition to combat mode within several minutes, and it can be mounted on a single vehicle (Voyenno Promyshlennyy Kuryer, August 24)."

from (Voyenno Promyshlennyy Kuryer

Printable version 

War is invisible and effective

Modern electronic warfare systems are able to neutralize almost any enemy weapon
Orlov Vitaliy

The first information concerning such promising samples of electronic warfare (EW) equipment, which, of course, are considered to be "Divnomorye-U", "Palantin", "Tirada-2S" and "Mercury-BM", appeared at the end of 2017. And its source, which does not cause doubts about competence, was Yuri Borisov, who at that time held the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. He reported on the significant superiority of new electronic warfare systems over existing foreign and domestic analogues. And that their nomenclature and the number of simultaneously determined and suppressed enemy electronic systems, the suppression range, the possibility of selective (targeted) use of interference and the most automated control should be regarded as innovative components of the technical potential that forms this superiority.

"Palantine" over the battlefield

A fundamentally new operational-tactical electronic warfare complex was developed by one of the divisions of Rostec - JSC Concern Sozvezdie. In terms of its functionality, "Palantin" is several times superior to similar complexes of previous generations. Thanks to the equipment with high-tech equipment, it is able to blind the enemy's technical means both in the ultra-short-wave and short-wave range, deprive units of effective management by organizing "intractable problems" with trunking and cellular communications.

The technical capabilities of the "Palantin" allow to ensure the active conduct of effective radio reconnaissance and the effective suppression of all known radio communication systems of a potential enemy. Including complexes formed on the basis of modern software-defined SDR platforms.

"Palantine" is able to neutralize existing and future means of radio communication of the enemy, creating interference of several types:

"Divnomorye-U" is able to equally successfully "hammer" interference and ground radar, and radar aircraft such as E-8 JSTAR, E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye, and radar equipment of helicopters and UAVs. In the area of action "Divnomorye" lose "vision" even satellite radar stations
  • strip-barrier;
  • discrete-barrier;
  • barrage in frequency.

The complex is characterized by a high degree of mobility, it is equipped with the minimum necessary amount of automotive equipment.

An equally important function of the operational-tactical complex "Palantin" is its ability to system formation, that is, the unification of several different electronic warfare systems into one network. This helps to monitor the current situation online and synchronize the use of complexes at different points of basing and at all levels of management.

The Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation reported that the Tambov Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use of Electronic Warfare is retraining servicemen for the operation of the Palantina. 98 servicemen of 24 OBREB ZVO took part in planned classes. It is in this part, as a result of the rearmament, outdated samples of special equipment are replaced by the latest developments equipped with "Palantin".

According to the press service of the Central Military District, promising electronic warfare complexes in 2019 entered service with the troops of the district. Employees of the press service noted that as a result of the re-equipment of military units and units of electronic warfare, the combat capabilities of this type of troops in performing complex and large-scale tasks have increased.

The first practical application of the "Palantin" took place at bilateral regimental exercises of the ZVO (Voronezh region). The key task of the fundamentally new electronic warfare complex was designated as covering the interspecific military group in the south-western direction. According to the plans of the district command, the operational-tactical complex should provide effective protection of the Russian side from missile and cannon weapons and high-precision weapons available to the enemy.

The battalion tactical group with the help of "Palantin" carried out the suppression of radio communication systems (electronic reconnaissance) of the conditional enemy in a strip up to 1000 kilometers wide.

Under the dome of "Mercury"

The Mercury-BM complex (code 1L262), which has another, alternative designation SPR-2M, is a self-propelled electronic warfare system mounted on a light multi-purpose tracked chassis MT-LBu. Several defense enterprises specializing in a certain segment take part in the serial production of the complex:

Plant "Muromteplowoz", which produces the basic chassis.

NPO "Kvant" in Nizhny Novgorod manufactures electronic equipment for SPR-2M.

Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant, which performs the functions of an assembly site for Mercury-BM.

The purpose of the 1L262 is to effectively counter guided weapons and protect manpower and command posts from artillery fire with ammunition equipped with radio fuses. The principle of operation of the system is based on the detection of the munition, the determination of the carrier frequency of the radio fuse and the setting of the corresponding frequency and power of interference. The result of the action of the complex "Mercury-BM" is the elimination of the munition by detonation at a safe height or the shutdown of the radio fuse with subsequent destruction.

In addition, the range of functionality of the SPR-2M includes:

  • reconnaissance mode, not accompanied by interference radiation;
  • automatic prohibition of interference with interfering signals (in the appropriate frequency range for a certain time interval);
  • providing information about the frequency channels of the received signals.

War is invisible and effective

Electronics 1L262, operating in automatic mode, a few fractions of a second is enough for accurate (up to several hundred Hz) determination of the frequency of the radio fuse and creating interference. The capabilities of Mercury-BM allow it to simultaneously suppress up to six radio communication channels, and the duration of continuous operation is at least six hours. To deploy the complex in a combat position, the trained crew needs 10 minutes. The dome of the SPR-2M reliably covers the troops stationed on an area of about 20-50 hectares.

Objects of protection 1L262 can be:

  • units and units of the first echelon;
  • launcher starting positions;
  • command posts;
  • areas of concentration of troops in the areas of crossings and transport hubs;
  • moving objects in need of cover.

"Tirada-2S" looks into space

"Tirada-2S" is a complex of electronic suppression of communication (REPS), capable of being on the surface of the planet, effectively neutralize the satellite communication channel with the subsequent disabling of the spacecraft.

The key striking element of this heavy-duty complex was a narrow beam, the purpose of which is the frequency of certain satellite communication channels. Naturally, any spacecraft, especially for military purposes, must have a high degree of noise immunity. However, the REPS "Tirada-2S" forms targeted barrage interference, maximally overlapping the possibility of transmitting the signal of the addressee. And the attempts of the satellite to overcome the electromagnetic veil set by the ground-based killer system lead to the fastest possible consumption of the spacecraft's energy resource.

It is worth noting that this REPS system is not an attempt to modernize existing systems or deep processing of equipment of previous generations. This is a completely new complex, created from scratch by Russian designers and scientists.

A brief history of the creation of this promising development is as follows. The first development work started back in 2001. The complex was created in two versions: stationary and mobile.

Sixteen years later, in November 2017, Oleg Achas, who at that time held the post of deputy head of the Federal StateBu of the 46th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, said that as part of the implementation of the Armament Program, designed for the period 2018-2027, the development of two extremely promising projects was nearing completion. One of them was the mobile complex REPS "Tirada-2S".

The documentation of the contract for the supply of the Triad-2S in part of the Russian Defense Ministry took place in August 2018 on the sidelines of the annual international military-technical forum "ARMY". Serial production was entrusted to JSC "Vladimir plant "Elektropibor". According to some sources, the arrival of the first complexes in the troops of the Central Military District was to take place in 2019. However, it is not possible to verify the validity of such allegations in view of the high level of secrecy of the project.

Similar problems are observed in the compilation of a more or less reliable idea of the tactical and technical characteristics of the TIRADA-2S REPS. It is assumed that the functionality of the complex allows to neutralize the satellite communication channels of UAVs-scouts.

As information that deserves attention, but for a number of objective reasons is not credible, it is possible to accept the reports of the Ukrainian media about the detection by OSCE drones of the Tirada-2S complex on the territory of the LPR.

«Divnomorye-U» – veni, vidi, vici

The result of the breakthrough development of domestic science was the latest electronic warfare complex "Divnomorye-U", capable of an umbrella of generated interference to effectively protect from radar reconnaissance an area of several hundred square kilometers. Its functional purpose is to cover from enemy radar stations.

stationary and temporary command posts, air defense systems, military groups, important military-political and industrial centers.

Performance performance features of the latest promising complex are not disclosed, but even on the basis of stingy information leaking into open sources, we can conclude that Divnomorye-U is a unique representative of its class.

Combat use of the complex is carried out in automatic mode. Its equipment detects and instantly analyzes the target signal, as well as the type, power and direction of radiation. The high-tech automatic system independently develops a suppression plan and chooses its most effective type. As a result, the high-power interference radiation created by Divnomorye neutralizes the impact of the enemy's radar, regardless of type.

"Divnomorye-U" is able to equally successfully jamming and ground radar, and radar aircraft such as E-8 JSTAR, E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye, and radar equipment of helicopters and UAVs. In the area of action of the "Divnomorye" lose sight even satellite radar stations.

Deploying the complex into combat condition takes several minutes, making it difficult to be vulnerable to enemy strike. Promotion, work and withdrawal from the combat position placed on one car "Divnomorye" are carried out in the shortest possible time. That is, in the words of the great Roman emperor, he came, saw, won.

Russian expert circles believe that due to its unique combat capabilities, the Divnomorye-U electronic warfare complex is able to unconditionally replace three complexes in service: Krasukhu-4, Krasukhu-2 and Moscow-1.

According to military historian Dmitry Boltenkov, the creation of universal robotic systems is the main direction of modernization and development of electronic warfare troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The creation of "Divnomorye" is the output of domestic electronic warfare systems to a fundamentally new technological level. The complex is able not only to suppress an impressive list of goals with minimal human participation, but also to act effectively offline.

It is obvious that the successful work of scientists, designers and testers, which led to the adoption by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of a number of the latest models of electronic warfare systems, significantly increases the degree of protection of units and units of the Russian army in modern combat.

Published in Issue No. 32 (895), August 24, 2021

“There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today!”

 A good video (biased as its from RT..but interesting to hear the other perspective)

Maritime Strategy

The loss of Queen Mary left Beatty stunned. He had engaged Hipper fully confident of his numerical superiority of six battlecruisers to the German five. Now within the space of three quarters of an hour he had lost two of them. No sooner had the report of Queen Mary’s destruction reached him than Princess Royal was engulfed in a torrent of shell splashes that completely hid her from view, and a signalman on Lion’s bridge reported in dismay, “Princess Royal blown up, sir!” Nonplussed, Beatty turned to Captain Chatfield and blurted out, “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today!” 

“There’s Something Wrong with Our Bloody Ships Today!” Part II | Weapons and Warfare

I hope one of our Operational Commanders never utters whatt Beatty said..but our stuff seems to be a lot worse then the competitions. 

Project 22800 Karakurt-Class Corvettes - Naval Technology (

Karakurt Class Corvette |

Russian Karakurt class corvette Sovetsk test-fires Kalibr cruise missile (

Russian corvette returns to home after cruise missile firings in the Arctic - Naval Post- Naval News and Information

Russian naval ship test-fires Kalibr cruise missile from Arctic sea – Navy Clippings

So once again the Russian are building (what appear to be capable) small surface combatants. Will likely have roughly 20 of these spread between black, baltic and north sea fleets within the next 2-4 years.

Which brings me to this basic question.

If I could choose a design I wanted to go into battle with stock option. Not with imaginary modules and the crew untrained for same. or what we might upgun  in the future . Which one do you choose? 

Choice number 1: Karak Class Corvete, Choice 2 LCS 1 or 2 class 


If I had to choose, based on the above criteria I take the the Karakurt on pretty much every occasion. Only real disadvantage is that no helo.  

Also top speed is only 30 knots or so, but hey most ships don't really need to go 44- 47 knots nor can they due to sea-states and fuel burn. Also they have space for enough people to ensure properly manned for damage control

So im wondering, cvan we get our hands on the Karakurt class plans and drop them on BWI HSI doorstep and maybe ask them to build a few?

To be clear I'm not a fan of the Russian Navy, but I have to admire thier platforms. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We are really doing this? Saving short term money at high cost. Another fail by someone who, wants to achieve efficiencies and got a EP an a promotion


Navy Will Cut 500 Civilian East Coast Jobs in ‘Drastic Action’ to Cut $66M - USNI News

Talk about boilerplate. I think I have seen variations of the following over the last 25 years

“ XXX staff completed a comprehensive review of our products and services to develop a plan to manage and execute shore services with our $XXM (XX percent reduction) budgetary shortfall to our facilities programs with the goal of minimizing negative impacts to the Fleet, Fighters, and Families we support

 And it is never good and it is never well though out.  But it looks like they took a cut of about 66 million out of about 400 plus million. 

I'm sure the powerpoint looked good and someone gets an EP and maybe a star out of it. 

For Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic The actual X numbers are 66 million (16 Percent) reduction 

But lets unpack this First off, what is - or what comprises CNRMA 

Did a bit of googling as I had always thought it was a region where you knew which uniform to wear. But as often I misremembered

Welcome to Navy Region Mid-Atlantic

Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA) is the regional coordinator for all shore-based naval personnel and shore activities in the Mid-Atlantic region, which encompasses 20 states, 14 installations, and 50 Naval Operational Support Centers (NOSCs).

As the naval shore installation management headquarters for the Mid-Atlantic region, CNRMA provides coordination of base operating support functions for operating forces throughout the region in support of the Fleet, Fighter and Family.

  • Fleet represents the operating forces of the Navy. CNRMA ensures all installation requirements necessary to train and operate the Fleet (Ports, Airfields, Training Ranges, etc.) are maintained and ready.
  • Fighter represents the men and women in the operating forces. CNRMA ensures each installation's ability to facilitate the manning, training and equipping of the Navy's fighting force.
  • Family represents the men and women of the armed forces and their families. To ensure our fighting forces are supported on all fronts, CNRMA Family and Community Services, Housing and Safety provide the quality of life, support and services that allow the fighting forces to focus on mission accomplishment.

But then I read the article some more and the stupidity of this command and how we are now organized hit me

"The reductions also include limiting ship departures to reduce overtime for necessary dockworkers and harbor pilots needed to get ships underway and back to the pier"

So our Fleet commanders now have to alter schedules to save Ok. 

"Commands needing ships to leave outside the port hours need to reimburse CMRA and NAVFAC for the extra cost. While not a new policy, it has not been enforced, officials told USNI News"

 um What? So now one navy unit is going to have to cut another navy unit a check. You know this is going to happen a lot. Think Hurricane season. Or CASREP's or training events. Oh and this is going to be a lot of new paperwork and well we might need additional HQ personnel to do this .  My guess is requiring this is going to costs about as much as it saves. And this hinders operational flexibility. All the bas guys need to know is our working hours 

then is got worse. 

"reduction in morale, welfare and recreation facilities, cutting back on janitorial services and groundskeeping spending and canceling cable television for ships and submarines that are pier side."

 So you are going to take MWR and cable away from sailors that go to sea. On top of that Seaman Timmy's wife used to work at MWR because her teaching degree did not transfer to Norfolk...oh and does this include childcare.

And then there was the typical excuse. That the services that most sailors and operational commanders view as important arn't because well Great Power Competition 

"“With limited budgets, a necessary focus on warfighting and Great Power Competition is required and past business and funding practices are no longer affordable and sustainable; drastic action is required."

Here is an Idea, what would be the cost of disbanding Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic its staff and having those things report to an operational commander. 

"20 states, 14 installations, and 50 Naval Operational Support Centers (NOSCs)"

So the installations ..I think those should be under the respective fleet. Probably in the case of Navy bases that have things that are operational - they should be under 2nd fleet in this case. Training commands have them fall under Naval Education and Training Command. 

Navy Operational Support Centers (Disclaimer I', biased bit to the reserves) these should be under the full control of the Navy Reserves. In fact we should in my opinion not have Active Duty manning these facilities as they really don't understand the reserves. Since when dos a DC1/BM2 or QM3 have any idea of how the reserves work. 

Taken in general this is a real management failure, which is compounded by a leadership failure to greenlight this plan. 

Reminds me of the fleet response plan, getting rid of SWOS, getting rid of SIMA and and deferring maintenance for short sighted decisions.

I am guessing you could achieve 66 million in saving by getting rid of Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic its staff as well as all the regions and making sure they fit under operational control of the fleets.